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The HAItime® App

The HAItime® app helps doctors and other healthcare staff prevent healthcare associated infections and provide safer patient care.  Real-time reminders and feedback are used to improve hand hygiene, and the app prompts assessment and removal of medical intravenous access devices and indwelling catheters that are potential sources of infection or no longer needed for patient care.

Doctors in the early stages of their careers are supported to take the lead using the HAItime® app, to reduce the risk of infection on every ward round.


Technology that helps prevent healthcare associated infections


Our Team

The HAItime® team is a group of doctors who are specialists in infection prevention and control, infectious diseases, surgery, health service administration and public health, or are training to be specialists.


We enjoy helping to make patient care safer.

Nick Hewitt
Shomik Sengupta
Caroline Bartolo
Uma Parameswaran
Daniel Hynes
Amalie Wilke
Mary O’Reilly

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I login for the first time?

Your health service will provide you with a unique HAItime® ID code for login, after you enter an initial authentication code sent by SMS.

What is the story behind the HAItime® app?

In July 1912 Jeanie Park had just become a mother when she died from puerperal sepsis. Her baby daughter was four days old. Jeanie’s husband and family were aware that the doctor who came to deliver the baby had just attended a patient with a severe infection. What they noticed, and remembered for the rest of their lives, was that "the doctor didn’t wash his hands".

Jeanie’s life, and the experiences of many other people with healthcare-related infections, have inspired this simple app to help healthcare staff to remind each other to clean their hands. Taking things one important step further, the HAItime® app also draws attention to medical devices that might be infected or are no longer needed, and supports their prompt removal.

Is the leader included in the ward round head count for hand hygiene?


Are nurses and students included?

A HAItime® app version for nursing staff is coming soon. Nurses can also take the lead in using the app in some healthcare settings, to support the process.  Medical students may opt in and be included, with approval from their health service and university.

How do I use the HAItime® app?

This video explains the simple process. The app is easy and intuitive to use.

Who takes the lead?

Interns, hospital medical officers and registrars are encouraged to use the HAItime® app and take the lead in helping their colleagues to reduce healthcare associated infections. It can also be used by other healthcare staff in conjunction with doctors.

“So my registrar will remind me to use handrub?!  Brilliant!” (Physician)

What’s the evidence for hand hygiene?

What data is collected and what happens to it?

Data collected:

  • Hand hygiene rates on approaching the patient’s bedside.

  • Numbers and types of medical devices identified as potentially infected.

  • Numbers and types of medical devices identified as not being needed.

  • Numbers and types of medical devices flagged for removal.

  • Campus and unit-specific rates.

What happens to the data?

  • Health services receive their own confidential data. Your health service has the option of sharing individual unit data with staff.

  • Users of the app are kept informed about how many medical devices they have flagged for removal.

How long does it take to use the HAItime® app for my patient’s care?

It only takes 30 seconds to complete for one patient. It can save your patient many weeks of hospital stay, investigations and treatment for a healthcare associated infection. It might even save their life.

What if my consultant isn’t keen?

You might be pleasantly surprised! Consultant physicians and surgeons have provided feedback that this is a critically important process and they are willing to be reminded. If you have any concerns, talk with your health service’s local HAItime® app Mentor or the Director of Medical Services – they are ready to support you.

“Of course I will support it – we should do this for all of our patients.” (Surgeon)

What information is collected about me and my patients?

The HAItime® app asks for your surname, mobile phone number and the health service’s unique HAItime® ID code. You will then select the health service campus and unit where you are working. When you change health service, campus or role a quick update is all that is required. No patient identifiers are collected.

My health service doesn’t use the HAItime® app yet. Can I use it anyway?

If you are interested in using the HAItime® app, you could ask the Infection Prevention and Control staff or Director of Medical Services at your health service about the possibility of your health service joining in. You or your colleagues are welcome to contact the HAItime® team to discuss further.


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